caravan with security

The challenges of being safe in your Caravan

Each time we decide to hook up the van and head off for a bit of time away from home and or work, we set or plan, we pack a few things for little emergencies, first aid kit, meds, food and drinks and all the comfort and fun things we need to relax and enjoy our time away. Each time I lock up my van I cant help but think, this is so easy to get into, or to grab the generator or fridge under the annexe. I recall being at a caravan expo one day and the sales manager of a van manufacturer said " every single van at this show can be broken into with a screw driver". Yet we leave our vans to go to the beach or for a walk or a trip into town, at parks and free camping sites where we are surrounded by people we don't know. I am sure it has crossed all our minds that I am taking a bit of a risk when I leave the van to head out for the day. When you get back we automatically look around to check all our equipment is still in the place we left it. 

If I spend good money on a van, I want it protected as best as I can. I want peace of mind and I want to see what is going on around my little area and if someone actually does do damage or takes off with something I want to know about it and be able to report it confidently to the police and insurance company. 

It just makes sense to me that a security system for a caravan will provide that peace of mind. I don't have an alarm system at home and I leave it for weeks while in the van but it makes sense that  our beautiful van is actually lacking any protective walls and fences and strong doors etc. 

I don't want some boof head putting ugly cables everywhere and that was the only way you could install an alarm system before finding Securavan's Ajax system. 

It gives me peace of mind and mum loves it. 

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